Lafarge's Saddleridge Business Park Transformation

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Lafarge was the primary contractor on the Saddleridge Business Park project, a construction project valued at  $12.5 million. The extensive project encompassed: 

5,000 m of standard and reverse curb and gutter 
41,000 m² of subgrade preparation
455 linear metres of standard curb and gutter (for water mains) deep underground
Placing 11 hydrants at 
the location
Nearly 41,000 m² of new paved road construction 


Saddleridge Business Park provides 242,748 square feet of commercial development on 240 acres along 36th Street NE, just east of the Calgary International Airport.

Given its exceptional location, Saddleridge Business Park provides a unique solution for all industrial users looking for fast, convenient access to the adjacent highways and the Calgary International Airport. It also offers excellent access and egress to all areas of the City, Highway 2 (Deerfoot Trail) and the TransCanada highway.

Despite the incredible commercial value of the location, the project came with several unique challenges. 

Utility Challenges & Community Participation

Converting acreage properties and farmland into a dynamic business park formed a challenge in and of itself. Engaging with the needs and perspectives of nearby residential communities, coupled with the complexities of construction within 10 kilometres of a major international airport, demanded an open dialogue from the outset.

As the prime contractor for underground utility removal and installation, Lafarge was committed to ensuring the active participation and engagement of utility providers, neighbours, and residents. Before work could begin on the Saddleridge utility, the team needed to obtain residents' permission for access and keep everyone informed about the process and its impact. 

Working Alongside Calgary Airport

Working adjacent to the Calgary Airport had its own challenges. The airport required notification prior to any work being done on their property, and navigating through the airport's distinct specifications was a critical hurdle.

The airport's specifications didn't align with those of the City of Calgary, necessitating the satisfaction of the City Roads inspector and the Calgary Airport Authority.


The solutions for the challenges for this project required the Lafarge team to factor in the two primary challenges and work accordingly. For community participation, Lafarge's project coordinator visited each property door-to-door with notices. She kept them updated throughout the project via phone calls and scheduled on-site visits. 

Making adjustments to satisfy both the City Road Inspector and the Calgary Airport was a far more challenging task. Lafarge’s commitment to ongoing communication and collaboration between Lafarge consulting engineers, the core team, and the Calgary Airport helped resolve these complexities, and the project proceeded smoothly.



The Saddleridge project was completed in 2018, with Lafarge skillfully handling Lafarge earthworks, deep utility removals and installation, surface construction, and surface improvements. As expected, the location's commercial value was immense, and this development allowed multiple businesses to establish themselves in a highly viable area. Lafarge's dedication to overcoming challenges and fostering collaboration underscored the project's success.